May 15th, 2000.
Raze & Snake Man takes on the tangos.
Raze checks out the damage
on terrorist's head.
Raze prepares to engage behind
the corner on mexicos darkened buildings.
This is the results, I would
not want to be behind the next corner :)
May 18, 2000. Lone Wolf & Snake Man at PMC Police Bust!
Lone Wolf taking position
at PMC Police Bust scenario.
Taking aim to incoming tangos!
Preparing to exit the surrounded
Nice headshot Lone!
Snake Man engages with fast singleshots, Tap! Tap! Tap!!
May 18, 2000. Shivan & Snake Man at PMC vs IRA: Assault!
Shivan is wounded, still assaulting!
Shivan & Snake Man on PMC Police Bust! scenario
I feel sorry for these guys ;)
Snake Man's tactic; Barrett inside house? :)
June 15th, 2000. Raze & Snake Man on PMC missions
Raze on normal PMC ambush point
Hey where are they coming!?
Raze shows how to use cover
Taking Cover !
Proud and Tall!
Burito Taco mission, using cover
Engaging Sniper!
Operation: Snatch the Devil.
June 19th, 2000. Snake Man testing PMC Apartments mission...
Now this you dont see every day,
take a close look... .50AE hit to the head...
more cool combat stories from the PMC front coming as the battle continues...