Janes F/A-18 Simulation

oh my, who can forget the Janes F-15 Operation Desert Storm missions, tracers shooting and missiles flying... I still get my hands sweat thinking about that. It was great!

1999 Janes released their next hardcore simulation, Janes F/A-18. Right now you're thrown in the cockpit of SuperHornet right in the Aircraft Carrier catapult ready to go from 0 - 170knots in few seconds. FUCKING AWESOME!
But enough of the sim, you know what it is if you've find yourself to our multiplaying pages, so lets get to it.

We have created few (hopefully) nice missions, these probably arent the hardest to fly overall, but we have really gone after the Desert Storm feeling of destroying key targets and keeping the war under control.

Download PMC made missions - PMC Janes F/A-18 Missions

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