(c) All Rights Reserved 1993-2001.
release date: 09-01-01.
In the group competition we had extremely close one between RiSC
Mafia Jeopardy, we like it. Congrats to the winning team :)
Its seems like the bbs scene just wont die away, but hey why would
it, it
simply rules. The competition is running hot, keep those zips flying
Encrypted bbs connections? Yup, there is now this zssh protocol
that supports zmodem with ssh connection on linux shells, the windows
users have already the securecrt where you can use ssh + zmodem
on bbs connections. You can see more details from PMC web pages,
link at bottom of this file.
Current status: 3 boards.
PMC & PC-TOP info web pages; www.nekromantix.com/pmc
"The good old times" Snake Man, PCTOPHOST 09-01-01.