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August, 1998. Release toughts

(c) All Rights Reserved 1993-1998.

release date: 08-01-98.

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y    P C - T O P   5   Y E A R S !

Yeah scene guys thats true, PC-TOP has been around and active 5 years!
The first PC-TOP release came out in Assembly '93 parties at 08-01-1993, lot have changed since then but the trading still goes on every day, day & night. There have been many many bbs's as PC-TOP memberboards, too many of them have gone down (even before the inet was popular) without no good reason, but I like to say that its been real pleasure to work with all the PC-TOP boards in these passed five years.

So five fucking years, huh... whats now? Now, the internet.

PC-TOP goes internet. Next release (09-01-98) will be different when we reset the bytes to zero (only two old bbs's included) and take first telnet boards. So the business is as usually, except that we work also with inet boards.

Let me know if you have some cool telnet board that you would want to be listed in next PC-TOP release and also let us know of your group where the bytes should be listed. The old PC-TOP groups also will be removed, if someone wants his old group listed, let me know. You can contact me on Efnet #PMC.

"Happy birthday PC-TOP!" Snake Man, PCTOPHOST 08-01-1998.

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pc-top (c) snake man, pmc 1993-2000
pc-top webpages (c) pk 2000