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May, 1997. Release toughts

(c) All Rights Reserved 1993-1997.

release date: 05-01-97.

Happy NewYear guys... ahh this time not much of a change in the PC-TOP, just some boards have dropped out by quitting, or quitting the scene or something. Anyway, its nice to see that the scene IS still alive, even with much less activity than those good 'ol days. Keep it going boys, dont take too much of a pressure, just enjoy it and have a good time.

             [ Rules of PC-TOP Board ]

              - No local uploads
              - Local SysOp uploads are not counted
              - Software age limit: 0-7d global
              - Warez software, no PD/SW/others
              - No userbase merges, what so ever
              - Maximum crediting is x3, nuking is without limit

Any failure to follow these rules will result in
immediate removal from the PC-TOP, with no excuses!

"Heckler & Koch." Snake Man, PCTOPHOST 05-01-1997.

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pc-top (c) snake man, pmc 1993-2000
pc-top webpages (c) pk 2000