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December, 1997. Release toughts

(c) All Rights Reserved 1993-1997.

release date: 12-01-97.

Its been 50 releases of PC-TOP as today, cool huh?

             [ Rules of PC-TOP Board ]

              - No local uploads
              - Local SysOp uploads are not counted
              - Software age limit: 0-7d global
              - Warez software, no PD/SW/others
              - No userbase merges, what so ever
              - Maximum crediting is x3, nuking is without limit

Any failure to follow these rules will result in
immediate removal from the PC-TOP, with no excuses!

"Rockabilly!" Snake Man, PCTOPHOST 12-01-1997.

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pc-top (c) snake man, pmc 1993-2000
pc-top webpages (c) pk 2000