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August, 1993. Release toughts

release date: 08-01-93 (At the ASSEMBLY '93 Parties!)

This is the first release of PC-TOP, this list will be released first day of
every month. TOP0793.ZIP was released on Assembly '93 parties at sat night.

PC-TOP list as NOTHING to do with the SF-TOP-AMIGA chart, so do not mix with the stats or anything PC-TOP related stuff for that amiga similiar! we will only rank the top uploaders and monthly top uploaders, and we do not make anykind of bbs total upload list or anything where is those 'list' boards.

All the boards in PC-TOP list will remain hidden. Why? well I tell you why, as soon as we make somekind list of "Top-BBS's" everyone just keep on uploading to those boards! so you'll just have to upload and then check out the new release of PC-TOP MONTHLY UPLOADERS every month if you're listed there...
But this stuff will go to many boards in the pirate scene in finland, so I'm
sure you are the user in one of these fine boards.

** A WORD ON PC SCENE ** I have noticed that this pc-scene is rising fast, we have uploads more and more after each day, lot of active users. Really transferring files many megs. But one thing is that I still want to see: HS/LINK to be more active protocoll to the file transfers. Many of the top guys are using it, but these average dudes doesn't seem to even know what this great protocoll is all about! In HS/LINK you can transfer a TWO times the warez in the same time, its using the v32bis for all its strength, you'll get with 14400bps about 1600-1700 cps on BOTH ways
at the same time! So the overall thruput is something like 3500 cps. Not to mention ZyXEL modems 19200bps 2250cps highspeed rate.

Be sure to ask from your local sysop to assistance for installing and testing this incredible transfer protocol called HS/LINK, you'll not be disappointed. And remember to stay tuned for next release of the PC-TOP (will be released at 09-01-93), it surely will be much better than this first one...

Snake Man, PCTOPHOST 08-01-93.

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pc-top (c) snake man, pmc 1993-2000
pc-top webpages (c) pk 2000